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Bits and pieces of my life

  • 1 Me Today
    A few photos as an impression of the road I am traveling. So if you want to have a glimpse of some parts and times of my life you are welcome to see what I have seen.

« Welcome to Cambodia | Main | Israel's Fear of Commitment? »

October 24, 2007



Beautiful. Thank-you for sharing.


Hi Fiona,

Thanks for stopping by, reading and commenting. What I have experienced has some connection to one of your posts, that text you got from your brother. I enjoyed reading that.

Be well!


My nephew (brother's son) is living in Thailand, teaching kindergarten. He goes to Cambodia and Vietnam as often as he can, not so much for the sites, but the people.


Hi Fiona,

When I go again (I hope as soon as possible with finances and work) it will also be for the people. Especially the ones I have met and now call friends. So I know exactly how your nephew feels. My impression is that alot of visitors to Cambodia come down with the same bug.

Be well!


Thank you for taking the time to post your experiences. It sounds as if you made some incredible connections with the humans currently living in a very lost culture - one that flourished another aeon ago. Simple things to remind us of the priceless experience of life. You are an inspiration for me, truly!!!


Hi Anji,

Nice to see you again here and thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I am humbled by your kind words and grateful that you have felt touched.

Be well!

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