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Bits and pieces of my life

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    A few photos as an impression of the road I am traveling. So if you want to have a glimpse of some parts and times of my life you are welcome to see what I have seen.

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June 19, 2008



I hadn't heard about this. that was quite a pathetic statement by the police spokesman.

settlements are a major obstacle for the peace movement


Hi Graeme,

The statement by the police spokesperson is what I thought people should be exposed to.

Those in the know, folks like you, realize that these incidents are sadly fairly routine. And although it also sadly goes both ways often times, it is the general callousness and indifference of the police that creates extra suffering for the Palestinians. We all know what would likely happen if in this case the roles were reversed and Israelis were being attacked. The police and army would have quickly brought a great deal of force to bear and would have not stopped at arresting 2 alleged suspects. Palestinians can count on the-more-the-merrier arrest policy including preventive detention. Israelis committing the same offenses get a ludicrous pret-a-porter excuse from the police laying the groundwork for a later, under-the-radar dismissal or slap on the wrist which is what usually happens to Israelis.

Be well.


And by the way Graeme, I absolutely agree that the settlements, and in particular the continuing totally needless expansion of the settlements, is one of the major obstacles in the peace process. And it is one which has no purpose at all except to say a) it's our way or the highway or b) we are not really that interested in the peace process.

jane arnold

Seen this before somewhere, its what right wingers do when they want to force somebody to do something, like get them off their own land, bit like the Nazis, in fact the same as, makes you hate Israel, and long for Iran to do our dirty work for us, before Israel gets to them.


Hi Jane,

Thnks for the visit and taking the time to comment. Repugnant as I find much of what Israel does in her dealings with the Palestinians, I have a great deal of trouble with the Nazi metaphor so I won't go into that. And as far as 'hating' Israel and longing for Iran to do somebody's dirty work I must strongly disagree on both points. To me a much preferable path is to fight for justice for both peoples from a starting point of love rather than hate. And I feel it is important to discern between the acts of the leaders, the acts of some individuals and the intents of the silent and sometimes silenced majorities on both sides.

Be well.

abe bird

The Susiya saga had not proved to be true story for now. People suspect that all the shots are "Peace Now" haux, in order to slander the Jews.


Thnks for stopping by Abe. It's a shame you didn't leave any reference for your somewhat outlandish claim. Perhaps there is no source for your claim nor basis for it either since both Peace Now and B'Tselem have proven themselves to be honest organizations with integrity.

Be well...

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