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September 12, 2010



Greetings Lenny,

It's been awhile.

Seems like I picked the right time to pop on over as your "days of awe" essay is quite insightful and wonderfully inclusive.

As an atheist, I know it's joked that we don't have any good holidays...but I prefer to think that we have complete freedom to share in those aspects in which we see meaning in everyone else's holidays.

I've always liked what the tradition of breaking bread entails as it comes from the time that sharing your food with someone was an expression that their well being was important to you, all the more so should it be a feast that you were invited to partake in.

In my own godlessness, I still see inspired nuggets of wisdom from other fellow travelers. This has always been a secular favorite of mine -

"We are here to help each other get through this thing, whatever it is."
— Mark Vonnegut author of "The Eden Express: A Memoir of Insanity"

And here's a tune I'm quite fond of as it expresses my willingness to just go with the flow. Hope you enjoy it.

Let The Mystery Be - Iris DeMent -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlaoR5m4L80

Sincere best regards,



Hi Lance!

I'm very happy about the coincidence of my post and your visit. Thank you for your kind words. Listening to Let the Mystery Be :)....so thanks for that as well... i like very much this genre of music... I hope all is well with you and all who are dear to you...And let's just keep helping each other till we get through all the shit happening these days.

Warm regards!

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